A City of Professions and Skills will be set-up in every region of the Kingdom, Minister of National Education, Vocational Training, Higher Education and Scientific Research, Said Amzazi, said on April 4 at the presentation session of the Roadmap for the development of the vocational training sector
The Swedish Academy has awarded its Prize for the Promotion of Swedish Culture Abroad for 2015 to the St. Kliment Ohridski Sofia University’s Department of German and Scandinavian Studies.
The closest synonym of plagiarism is theft. It may be an intellectual theft but it is still a theft. While in art and in literature those who have been nailed as plagiarists are despised and even sanctioned, in the scientific circles even venerated figures allow themselves to “borrow” from other persons’ publications without any negative consequences for them.
Science and art are not necessarily separate Universes, they can intersect at certain points, and symmetry is one of them. This is the essence of the public lecture by Assoc. Prof. Leandar Litov, head of the Bulgarian team at the European Centre for Nuclear Research (CERN), which aroused the interest of dozens of people and made the Sofia University’s New Conference Hall overflow.