The French word which is most difficult to pronounce
0According to some English-language native speakers, the French word which …
According to some English-language native speakers, the French word which …
Европейският ден на езиците 26 септември се фокусира всяка година от 2001 г. насам върху езиковото многообразие и културно наследство.
Today my mother, who bore the wonderful name of Margarita, would have turned one hundred years! She was born on November 25, 1923. In this photo she is young, as was her soul.
A literary evening in memory of the New Zealand poet Kevin Ireland (1933-2023), translator of Botev and other Bulgarian authors into English, took place on 22 June this year at The Mission Gallery. It was organized by the Europe and the World Foundation with the assistance of the State Cultural Institute under the Minister of Foreign Affairs.