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Trams by David Clark

I have always been intrigued by the trams of Sofia as they clatter and rock along their rickety tracks. People standing in the road muttering to themselves and looking for the next tram, which should have been here ages ago and when you get in the tram all life is here

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At the end of August this year, H.E. Mrs. Päivi Blinnikka, Ambassador of Finland to Bulgaria, will leave this country for good. On this occasion, taking into account the circumstances related to the pandemic, on July 7 she invited to her residence about twenty people

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Thunder after Thunder by Galya Clark

Galya Clark is a journalist, who lives with her family in the UK. In Bulgaria she was reporter on the national newspapers, editor of a magazine, published in English, author and presenter of the television programme “Diplomatic missions” in EBF TV.

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Council of Europe: Report on Human Rights in Bulgaria

The Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Dunja Mijatović, published a report on the visit to Bulgaria she carried out in November 2019. The report focuses on racism, intolerance and discrimination; violence against women and domestic violence; and media freedom. 

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Concert at the Residence of the Moroccan Ambassador

The 29th season of the New Symphony Orchestra is under the honorary patronage of H.E. Mrs. Zakia El Midaoui, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco to Bulgaria. On January 28, she once again invited some of the musicians to perform a chamber concert at her residence in Sofia.

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Moroccan Women Activists Visited Sofia

In the beginning of 2020, six activists of the World Moroccan Women Council visited Sofia. It was on the occasion of the first Diplomatic Cultural Salon, hosted by H. E. Ms. Zakia El Midaoui, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco to Bulgaria

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Fighting Fires in Amazonia

The Embassy of Brazil in Sofia kindly provided for this website some topical information from the Ministry of Defense of Brazil about the fight with fires in Amazonia which we publish with certain reductions

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