Dr. Elena Radeva – A Life dedicated to Art

10:41ч / 10.05.2015г
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When someone has dedicated one’s life to medicine, it’s clear for everybody that he/she is a humanist. Dr. Elena Radeva-Nikolova, however, does more than just care for her patient: she supports a lot of Bulgarian artists with all her heart. Together with her husband Dr. Konstantin Nikolov she lives and works in France. The two alumni of the Plovdiv Language School have opened a gallery in the town of Verderonne, north of Paris, where they present on a regular basis works by Bulgarian artists and photographers. Moreover, Dr. Radeva-Nikolova is the founder of the L’ART POUR LA VIE initiative for the benefit of the Pediatrics Departement of the Plovdiv University hospital. It envisages a series of exhibitions where participating artists become benefactors. They decide by themselves what share of the price to donate for the improvement of the conditions in the Children’s Clinic. Dr. Radeva-Nikolova doesn’t get even a single cent. Instead, she buys some of the works and adds money to the sum accumulated by the sale of the art works.

Two L’ART POUR LA VIE exhibitions have been held so far in Sofia, the first one in April 2014 and the second one in January-February 2015. The proceeds went for the refurbishment of the Children’s Clinic so that its little patients could feel better there. Dr. Radeva-Nikolova plans to organize another L’ART POUR LA VIE exhibition in France and open another gallery, this time in Plovdiv, her birthplace.

Source: www.evropaworld.eu