Fighting Fires in Amazonia

08:55ч / 30.08.2019г
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The Embassy of Brazil in Sofia kindly provided for this website some topical information from the Ministry of Defense of Brazil about the fight with fires in Amazonia which we publish with certain reductions:

According to satellite images from the Amazon Protection System (Sipam) of the Ministry of Defense of Brazil, there has been a reduction in the number of areas affected by fires in the Legal Amazon between Saturday (24) and Monday (26) . The Sipam satellite identifies the most critical areas affected by fire spots. The system helps to guide teams on the ground.

Operation Green Brazil (#operaçãoverdebrasil) is in its third day [on Monday 26th] and has involved so far around 2,500 military personnel, 15 aircraft (airplanes and helicopters), 210 vehicles and 10 boats. It started after the decree determining the deployment of the Armed Forces in the operations of Environmental Law and Order Operations (known as GLOA), last Friday 23rd. This measure is in place until September 24th.

Military operations from the three forces (Navy, Army and Air Force) are being coordinated by the Amazon Military Command and by the Northern Military Command. The first is located in Manaus and is responsible for the states of Amazonas, Acre, Rondônia, Roraima, Amapá and parts of Maranhão. The Northern Military Command is located in Belém and is responsible for the states of Pará, Amapá, Maranhão and parts of Tocantins.

While the efforts to combat the fires continue, new fire brigades are being trained and a number of preventive, investigative and awareness-raising actions are being undertaken.

The Armed Forces work in support of state governments and in subsidiary activities in border areas, in indigenous lands and areas belonging to the Federal Government. It is an integrated effort between different institutions and public security authorities, such as the National Force, Military Fire Brigades, fire prevention and firefighting squads from the Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA), ilitary Environmental Police forces and the Operational and Managing Center of the Amazon Protection System (CENSIPAM).

Source: Embassy of Brazil in Sofia