Why the World needs Africa

H. E. Mrs. Latifa Akharbach (left) and Deputy Foreign Minister Valentin Poriazov
Africa Day, May 25th, was celebrated with many events around the world and provided the occasion to remind once again of the importance of the warmest continent in our time. That is why we recall a part of the messages that were heard in Sofia on May 25th during the celebration organized by the Group of African Ambassadors accredited in Bulgaria, under the theme “Africa: land of the greatest Opportunities”.
H.E. Mrs. Latifa Akharbach, Mrs. Latifa Akharbach, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco, who is the Dean of the Group:
“Celebrating Africa means also recalling that the continent deserves to accede to its rightful place in global governance, within the UN and other multilateral organizations, in order to make its voice better heard and share at best its vision and perspective. To respond more effectively and efficiently to the overwhelming challenges at hand, such as the fight against terrorism, illegal migration, human trafficking, energetic security and good environmental governance, the international community needs Africa.
Better esteemed and better approached, the continent could even contribute more significantly to the global response to the unprecedented challenges facing the international community. It is for this reason, among others, that the new African generations call for more fairness and equity in international relations. The African Peoples request that the paternalistic, ethnocentric and neo colonialistic approaches, that are still often adopted when it comes to dealing with Africa and Africans, be forsaken.
The celebration of Africa Day is also an invitation to go beyond the distorted image of Africa disseminated by the global mass media, which only focuses on the woes, failures and crises of the Continent and disregards its assets, visions and achievements.”
In her address H. E. Mrs. Latifa Akharbach recalled the friendly contacts between Bulgaria and the African states in the recent past, as well as the fact that thus country is viewed as supportive of Africa’s efforts. Those friendly relations will develop in the future, too, with a strengthened economic exchange and more interpersonal contacts.
In his response H. E. Mr. Valentin Poriazov, Deputy Foreign Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria, underlined that “the huge potential of the African continent in the medium and long term is yet to be realised”, he said, adding that more and more African countries adopt the principles of “good governance” that are key to achieving sustainable development. In recent years, democratic change in Africa has consolidated. Telling examples are a number of countries where peaceful elections were held and where democratic processes fostering social and economic development are underway.
The growing political stability and improving business environment strongly increased the economic interest in Africa of both countries and private investors. The growing opportunities of Africa are realised through projects of individual countries and joint projects and regional initiatives in the fields of trade, infrastructure, social and customs policy and reforestation, among others.”…
Bulgaria has old traditions of friendship and cooperation with the peoples of Africa. Over the years, tens of thousands of African citizens were trained in our schools and now are respected members of the African society. Thousands of Bulgarian specialists were sent to work in Africa and many of them continue to work and share their experience there today, as well. They constitute a bridge between Bulgaria and Africa, said in conclusion the Bulgarian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Source: Embassy of Morocco in Sofia, www.mfa.bg/en/